You've Got Today

"Tomorrow Is Never Promised"
-Jeremy (Passion) Manongdo
On Saturday February 8, 2008 I watched a concert called “Rockin’ it with Passion and Gabe.” Passion is one of my ultimate inspirations not only musically, but personality wise as well. Behind all of his songs is a message, and with that message, a lesson is learned. Obviously there were songs that taught lessons about love, but above all that, there was one life lesson that struck me that night; “Tomorrow is never promised.” Let’s face it; we are all mortal human beings. Sometimes we take life for granted and we are convinced that we have so much time in our hands.

Sometimes we get too caught up with our teenage lives. Obviously, this section of our life is where we make the biggest adjustment from childhood to adulthood; immaturities to maturity. One of my favorite songs from Passion is a song called “Well Done.” He wrote this for his grandma when she had passed away. He basically didn’t spend enough time with her and when he lost her, he regretted not being there for her as much as he could have and wanted to. He was, just like all of us, caught up with his life; it’s normal.

I read a book by Mitch Albom entitled “For One More Day.” This basically has the same story as the song Well Done by Passion. The main character was the type that looked at his mother like she was just there to ruin his life (typical teenager), but later on in life he loses her. He regrets not spending enough time with his mom and not loving her enough. In this book however, he was given the opportunity to have one more day with his mother. A day where he can give her the love he wasn’t able to show to her before. However the message behind this novel is that: in reality, you are not given another chance, or one more day, what you have now … is what you get. We are all given one life to live and we are never certain as to how many days and moments we could have with the people we love.

Sometimes I get into arguments, whether it be with my friends, my siblings, or my parents and I think to myself, will I be able to say sorry to them tomorrow? Will I be able to regain their trust again? Sometimes I just pray to god and make him promise me that he can give me tomorrow, another day to make it up to those I’ve hurt. But really, no one can make a promise like that. My mind suddenly opened up to another life lesson: “Do it now, or forever wish you had.” Don’t wait another day to say sorry and express your love, because remember “Tomorrow is never promised.”

After hearing Passions’ song and reading Mitch Alboms’ novel, I felt their pain and sadness. I don’t really know how it feels because I was never put into that situation before. I don’t know how I can really relate to them because I never experienced losing someone I love. All I do know is that, I don’t want to have regrets later on in life. I know I’m a teenager, and I know that this is the time of my life where I can easily get caught up. But I also know that just because I am teenager doesn’t mean that I have to have a distant relationship with the people I love. This is the part of my life where, instead, I should learn to appreciate everything about them.

After all of this, my mind opened up to a concluding life lesson: Live each day and love those around you, as if there isn’t a tomorrow.” If we all did that, can you imagine how much more love would spread around this whole world? Remember, regret is something none of us want to feel. Make sure we live life to the fullest, love and appreciate love with our friends and family, and be happy every morning because we are given another day to show and express love to those around us. Remember: “Tomorrow is never promised…”

Love Like There's No Tomorrow,

Yvanne Dandan



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