"Chasing Pavements"

"Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements..."

-Chasing Pavements, Adele
Have you ever been in love with someone who you know may never love you back? If you have, you know how much that hurts. There's no better feeling than loving someone you know loves you back; a mutual understanding. However, when you're the only one that loves, it just doesn't feel right. "Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements" Let's only look at this very small but significant portion of the song and put aside the rest of the lyrics. This is a situation where you're confused and you don't know what step you should take next.
Should I Give Up: When we love and get nothing in return, we can easily get discouraged and just let go. It's unfair to have that unbalanced situation where one gives love and the other is only getting the love. This is even worse when you know that you love this certain person purely and just loving them and not getting anything in return can be enough for you at times. But what's most important is that we know exactly what we want. Loving someone is a great thing, but are you content with not getting anything in return? Would you be okay if all you did was hope for his/her love and find out that in the end you still won't get anything from that long wait? Would you?
Chasing Pavements: Everytime I think about giving up, I always remember this one quote that opened my eyes a couple years ago: "Before you let go, remember why you held on for so long" Like I said earlier, at certain times it may just be enough for you to love someone and have that one way relationship. This is possible because you don't necessarily need a person to love you in order to love them. It hurts though, knowing that they may not love you back. But when love strikes its bow, it really hits you hard and it's not easy to just let go: as human beings, we like to hope, "even if it may lead no way."
Have you ever been in love with someone who you know may never love you back? It hurts, it really does and only time can tell how your problem can be solved. Letting go is such a big decision to make, but chasing pavements can get tiring after a while. If you think it's worth hanging on to, go for it! Just remember to think of yourself as well and what will make you happy. Everything is really up to you.
"Things happen for a reason, and if it's meant to be, it will happen for you"
Make the right choice,
Yvanne Dandan


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